How to Prepare Your Property for an Earthquake

Earthquakes are one of the most destructive of nature’s forces. They are caused by the breaking and shifting of subterranean rock, as it releases the energy that has accumulated over a long time.
Property owners should ensure their structures are safe during earthquakes, and more resistant to earthquake damage, by assessing their structure and contents.
Depending on when and how it was designed and built, buildings may have weaknesses that make them more vulnerable to earthquakes, such as:
- Structures not anchored to their foundations, or having weak crawl space walls
- Weak pier-and-post foundations
- Masonry walls or foundations that are not reinforced
A professional company can help assess the building’s structure. After the assessment has been made, nonstructural solutions, including foundation bolting, cripple wall bracing, and reinforced chimneys should be installed, step by step.
Mobile home owners should consider investing in an earthquake-resistant bracing system. Moreover, tenants should ask their landlord or property manager to make the necessary improvements to make the building safer.
Furthermore, those who are building or buying a home must ensure that it complies with the seismic provisions of the local building code. The owners must also ensure that plumbers have installed flexible connectors on all gas appliances and repaired defective electrical wiring and leaky gas connections, as all of these are potential fire risks.
Unless the property owner has the appropriate knowledge and tools, a professional company should be hired to work on the gas and electrical lines.
The local emergency management office can provide information regarding the available organizations in the community who can help with structure assessments.
For water, fire, smoke and mould removal services, the PuroClean professionals are always standing by. PuroClean professionals are available 24/7/365.
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