The PuroClean Blog

When Spring Storms Bring Flooding (Part 2): Action Guide

Preparedness is vital to handling spring storms or floods.  However, knowing what to do during and after a storm or flood is also crucial. Below is a list of what property owners can do to correctly handle an unexpected disaster:

  • In case of severe storm, occupants should stay away from windows and seek shelter in the basement or an interior room, such as the bathroom.
  • Moving water must be avoided. Just a few inches of moving water can knock anyone off his or her feet.
  • Vehicle should not be driven through water. Two feet of moving water can float almost any size vehicle.
  • Portable radios should be used to stay informed.
  • If damage occurs, lists of damaged goods and pictures must be made. Policyholders should file the claim as soon as possible.
  • All flood water is considered contaminated. Thus, in case of water damage, any absorbent materials that are contaminated must be removed and discarded (carpets, rugs, upholstered furniture, etc.).
  • Water damage must be remediated correctly and quickly, otherwise it will lead to mould contamination, which presents another host of concerns and problems.
  • If damage to electric or gas lines is suspected, a professional inspection company must be called before using them.
  • We advise calling the local PuroClean office. The PuroClean professionals can help determine the full extent of the damage and perform complete restoration services in accordance with industry standards and best practices.

Whether the water damage occurs from storms, floods or other sources, PuroClean mitigates losses and prevents further damage by providing state-of-the-art services to all properties damaged by water, fire/smoke, mould, and other disasters.

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