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Fire Safety Tips to Know When Spring Cleaning

Fire Safety Tips to Know When Spring Cleaning

For many homeowners, spring cleaning is a great opportunity to get their homes back in order. However, as safety always comes first, homeowners should also focus on safeguarding their home against dangers, especially fire. We’ve compiled some tips for how to take steps to prevent fires in your home this Spring.

Fire Safety Tips For Spring Cleaning

  • Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Alarms  The smoke and CO alarm batteries should be replaced once or twice a year. In addition, the alarms must be tested once a month by pushing the test button.
  • Kitchen  Any oil, grease, or food residue should be removed immediately. Excess grease on the drip pan, stove, or stovetop can catch fire. Moreover, flammable items such as oven mitts must be kept away from the stovetop when cooking.
  • Electrical Cords – The electrical cords should be inspected for wear and tear and replaced if they’re damaged. It’s also important to avoid running cords under carpets or across doorways to prevent them from being damaged. Extension cords should only be used temporarily – major appliances must be plugged directly into wall sockets.
  • Clothes Dryers  Excess lint in the dryer is the number one cause of clothes dryer fires. The lint that has collected around the drum must be removed before or after each load of laundry, and the lint filter should be cleaned regularly. Also, combustible items like boxes and clothing around the dryer must be moved to a safer area.
  • Grilling – Cleaning grease or fat build-up after every use is essential to preventing the risk of fire, and also helps the food cook better. The propane tank, hose, and all connection points should be checked for leaks. If there’s a gas smell when the grill is on, the tank and burners must be shut off immediately. A professional should service the burner before using it again.
  • Escape Plan – Every homeowner should have an escape plan in case of a fire or other disaster. The plan should include a map of each level of the home with two escape routes in each room. Everyone in the household, including children, should discuss and practice the plan.

Call PuroClean of North Simcoe and Muskoka For Property Restoration Services

Besides fire hazards, flooding is another common danger in spring. To learn how to prevent home flooding, here are spring thaw flooding prevention tips. The PuroClean team stands ready to provide professional restoration services to any property affected by fire, water, or mould damage. Call us at (705) 710-0606.