The PuroClean Blog
15 Safety Tips for Driving After Dark

As winter is approaching, the days are getting shorter, and so it’s getting darker outside faster. For drivers, this means that the risk of a car accident is unfortunately increased. Compromised night vision makes driving in the dark much more dangerous. So, PuroClean has compiled this list of safety tips for driving in the dark.
Driving in the Dark Safety Checklist
- Getting enough sleep is critical to keeping focused/alert while driving. Drivers must be sure to get seven to nine hours of sleep a night.
- Those who have been awake for 24 hours or more must avoid driving. The risk of falling asleep and/or losing focus is increased.
- Drivers should stop for a break every 160 miles (or two hours on the road) to recover mentally and physically.
- Drivers who are feeling drowsy should pull over and take a nap. Better safe than sorry.
- Drivers should avoid driving during times they normally sleep. Drinking a caffeinated beverage may help them stay awake.
- The headlights must be clean and aimed correctly. Headlights should be turned on before sunset and kept on one hour after sunrise.
- Headlights should be kept on low beam to avoid blinding the drivers ahead.
- The lights on the dashboard should be dimmed to improve the visibility of the surroundings.
- Drivers should watch the right edge of the road when oncoming bright headlights are coming towards them.
- The windshield should be kept as clean as possible, especially during the night.
- Drivers should watch out for pairs of tiny bright spots in the distance – an animal might be on the road.
- During rush hour, drivers should slow down and stay alert. Everyone should be more cautious, even on familiar routes.
- A good tip to focus while driving is to not listen to music/the radio and to avoid talking with passengers.
- Older drivers must have vision examinations once a year to make sure their eyes are fit for driving after dark.
- If the driver is on medication, he/she should consult their doctor to ensure their prescription drugs don’t affect their driving.
Call PuroClean of North Simcoe and Muskoka for Restoration Services
In cooler weather, property owners should keep an eye out for potential safety risks in their homes. Here are essential tips to conserve heat during winter and tips to maintain a furnace. The PuroClean team is ready to provide professional restoration services to any property affected by fire, water, or mould damage.
November 17, 2020