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(403) 592-5870

Water Damage

We determine the full extent of water damage, including what’s visible and also what you can’t see beneath the surface, by using sensors such as moisture detectors and hygrometers.

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Smoke & Fire Damage in Calgary

We determine the full extent of fire damage and identify the impact of heat and smoke on your property’s structure, fixtures and contents.

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Mould Removal in Calgary

PuroClean’s restoration professionals use the latest technology to identify and sanitize mould and also address the water source that caused it.

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Biohazard Cleanup in Calgary

The PuroClean biohazard cleanup procedure starts by containing the situation to prevent further damage. Our experts then restore the affected area quickly to return the property to pre-loss condition, with respect and compassion.

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Reconstruction Services in Calgary

Remediation and mitigation specialists, our PuroClean technicians first work to identify and salvage contents that can be saved, then our construction specialists make the necessary repairs.

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Murray is awesome! He schooled me on mould and was quick and effective in addressing my concern. Highly recommend.


Quick service and very knowledgeable and helpful. Very much appreciated!


Years of a slow leak in our foundation came to a steady leak into our basement/family room just before returning from a trip. The damage fortunately was not extensive but we were at a loss as to what [...]

Calgary, AB

... I had discovered a mould problem in the basement and wanted some honest input how I should proceed. He listened to my description of the problem and said he would visit and we could develop a game [...]

Cobourg, ON

My washer pipes froze and I thought had burst and started to leak. I called my insurance company right away and they sent Curtis from PuroClean over to investigate. Along with my adjuster Curtis came [...]


Curtis, Jason, Julio, Nikki and Sarah, All those books!! Thank you so very much, everything you did is so very appreciated. Greatest team EVER!

Calgary, AB