Lithium-Ion Battery Safety Guidelines to Know

Lithium-ion (Li-ion) batteries are a common type of rechargeable batteries used in laptops, phones, and more. Although Li-ion batteries are an amazing invention, they can overheat because they pack a large amount of energy in a small amount of space. Overheating or using them the wrong way can result in explosions that cause injuries and fires. Here are a few tips for how to avoid explosion and lithium battery safety:
Lithium-ion Battery Safety Tips:
- When purchasing electronic devices, they should be checked for the label of an independent testing laboratory, such as Underwriter’s Laboratory. The manufacturer’s instructions must be followed carefully.
- Only batteries that are designed for a particular device should be purchased. The manual or the product’s official website provides information on what kind of batteries to use.
- The batteries must be inserted the right way. Many people accidentally place batteries the wrong way, which can damage them.
- Batteries should not be overheated, and the device should be unplugged once the battery is fully charged.
- Charging a device on flammable materials, such as the bed, couch, or on paper is a safety risk and should be avoided.
- Li-ion batteries must not be kept in high temperatures or near heat sources, such as direct sunlight, radiators, or laptops.
- Batteries must not get wet or be exposed to water.
- Li-ion batteries should not be kept in the open where they can get damaged. They should be stored in a secure, dry, and cool place, and away from flammable materials, as well as separated from metal objects.
- If there are signs that the battery has a problem, such as overheating, odour, leaks, or change in colour/shape, the device should be shut off and moved away from things that can catch fire.
- Throwing Li-ion batteries in the trash is never a good idea. This causes pollution and can be a fire hazard.
- To properly dispose of Li-ion batteries, they should be taken to a battery recycling location. The local waste management service provider can also provide disposal instructions. Batteries should be put in a sealed metal container before recycling them.
Call PuroClean If You Experience a Li-ion Fire!
Improper usage or disposal of Li-ion batteries can cause fires, but there are more lesser-known causes of home fires. Here are 5 unexpected ways fires can start in a home. If you experience a fire due to Li-ion overheating, call the PuroClean team! We stand ready to provide professional restoration services to any property affected by fire, water, or mould damage.