The PuroClean Blog
Fire Prevention Tips for Thanksgiving Preparation

Thanksgiving Day is a cheerful celebration for many Canadians, but it is also the leading day for home cooking fires. As homeowners prepare for Thanksgiving, exercising safety precautions is thus extremely important. Here are fire safety tips to keep in mind while preparing the Thanksgiving family dinner.
- Individuals should stay in the kitchen while frying, grilling, or broiling food. If they have to leave the kitchen even for a minute, they should turn off the stove.
- When cooking the turkey, it should be checked frequently. Leaving the house is not recommended.
- Alcohol (or drowsiness) and cooking don’t mix! Those who are sleepy or have consumed alcohol should not use the stove or stovetop.
- A cooking timer should be used to be reminded when to turn off the stove or oven.
- Individuals should wear tight clothes and roll up their sleeves when cooking. If they have long hair, it should be tied back.
- Flammable things, such as oven mitts, wooden utensils, clothing or food packaging should be kept away from the stovetop.
- A lid should be kept nearby to smother small grease fires by sliding the lid over the pan and turning off the stovetop. The pan should be kept covered until it’s completely cooled.
- Throwing water over a grease fire is a bad idea! It’s best to use a fire extinguisher instead.
- The kitchen floor must be kept clean and clear of objects to avoid trips or falls.
- Children must be out of the kitchen while the adults are cooking. Adults should keep them occupied with activities such as games, puzzles or books. Pets do not belong in the kitchen while cooking, either.
- Electric cords should not dangle off the counter within easy reach of children or pets.
- Matches and utility lighters must be kept up high in a locked cabinet and out of the reach of children.
- Battery-operated candles should be used instead of real candles.
- Homeowners must ensure smoke alarms are working by testing them at least once a month and replacing batteries once a year.
- Families should review their fire escape plan and tell their visitors about it. The plan should include two exits out of each room and a fire drill should be practiced routinely.
How to Prevent Turkey Fryer Fires and Injuries
- Turkey fryers should only be used outdoors on a sturdy, level surface well away from people, pets, and combustible things.
- The turkey must be completely defrosted before frying it to prevent hot oil from splattering.
- The cooking pot must not be overfilled. First, the turkey should be placed in the pot with water. This allows individuals to determine the right amount of oil needed.
- A cooking thermometer should be used to check the temperature of the fryer as it can easily overheat and start a fire.
- Homeowners should wear long cooking gloves to protect their hands when handling the turkey fryer.
Stay safe and have a wonderful Thanksgiving with friends and family! The PuroClean team stands ready to provide professional restoration services to any property affected by fire, water or mould damage.
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September 14, 2018