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Electrical Safety for Swimming Pools and Spas

Electrical Safety for Swimming Pools and Spas

Safety in and around the swimming pool or spa usually involves drowning prevention. Yet, a danger that is just as deadly – electrical shock – is also something to be extremely cautious of. Here are several essential pool and spa electrical safety rules:

  • All outdoor receptacles should be kept covered and dry – especially those around pools, spas, and other summer water activities.
  • Ground fault circuit interrupters (GFCIs) should be installed outside. They help prevent electric shock injuries. Using portable GFCIs also helps increase electrical safety around the pool or spa.
  • All electrical equipment used for swimming pools, even the cleaning equipment, must be grounded.
  • Electrical devices and cords should be kept at least three metres away from water sources.
  • Battery-operated appliances should be used instead of cord-connected appliances in and around the pool or spa.
  • No one should handle electrical devices when wet either from water activities or perspiration.
  • No power lines should be hovering over a swimming pool or spa.
  • Going into the pool or spa before, during or after a thunderstorm is to be avoided.
  • An electrician should inspect and upgrade the pool, spa or hot tub according to the Canadian Electrical Code to avoid electric shock.

In case someone gets shocked in a pool:

  • Everyone should move away from the source of the shock.
  • Getting out of the water is critical. Metal ladders must not be used – they conduct electricity and may intensify the shock.
  • All power must be shut off immediately to prevent rescuers from becoming victims.
  • Someone must call 911.
  • Someone must use a rescue hook (shepherd’s crook) to carefully pull the victim out of the water.
  • The victim should be positioned on his/her back, then someone should check for breathing and administer CPR if needed.

Using electrical devices, such as appliances, equipment and tools outdoors also poses safety risks. Here are outdoor electrical safety tips. The PuroClean team stands ready to provide professional restoration services to any property affected by fire, water or mould damage.

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