The PuroClean Blog
The Advantages of Fire Sprinklers

Automatic fire sprinklers significantly reduce the number of fire-related fatalities, as well as the average property loss per fire. Although not many properties have fire sprinklers installed in Canada, these devices are, in fact, affordable, easy to maintain and can save lives. Here are more fire sprinkler facts:
- A fire is generally extinguished faster with a fire sprinkler system than the time it would take a fire department to arrive. What’s more, fire sprinklers use 10 times less water than a fire department to control a fire.
- By using less water, fire sprinklers reduce the amount of water run-off and pollution.
- A fire will trigger only the closest sprinkler and not all at once. In most fires in homes with fire sprinklers, only one sprinkler is activated to contain a fire.
- In most cases, fire sprinklers reduce the homeowner’s insurance premium.
- Burnt toast and cigarette smoke do not activate fire sprinklers. They are activated only by the high temperatures of a fire.
- A fire sprinkler can be maintained only by making sure that it is not obstructed or painted over. Also, the main control valve should always be on, so that water is constantly supplied to the sprinklers.
- During cold weather, frozen pipes can prevent water from coming out of the sprinklers. Fortunately, this can be prevented. This guide provides tips on how to prevent pipes from freezing.
Fire preparedness is especially important during the cold season, when space heating is used extensively. We also recommend checking out these facts about carbon monoxide. The PuroClean team stands ready to provide professional restoration services to any property affected by fire, water or mould damage.
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January 21, 2016