The PuroClean Blog

How to Prevent and Respond to Fires at the Workplace

It is always important to know how to prevent fires and react in a fire emergency at home, a public place, or work. At the workplace, everyone in the building is responsible for keeping the environment safe. Here are essential fire prevention and fire response tips for the workplace:

Fire Prevention

  • Workspace Clutter – The workspace must be kept organized; clutter provides fuel for the fire and may restrict access to escape routes and emergency exits.
  • Equipment – Anything that produces heat should be kept away from combustible objects; flammable materials and chemicals must be stored safely, at a safe distance from heat sources.
  • Electrical Safety – As electrical failures cause almost half of electrical fires, electrical cords should be checked periodically; damaged wires must be serviced or replaced.
  • Power Outlets – These devices must not be overloaded with too many cords; all plugs should fit the outlet.
  • Emergency Exits – All employees must learn the escape routes and exits in the building. Emergency routes and exits should be unobstructed.
  • Fire and Smoke Alarms – Management should ensure that smoke detectors and fire alarms are inspected and tested regularly.
  • Fire Extinguishers must be current on their inspections. Employees should be trained on how to use fire extinguishers.
  • Smoking – There should be designated areas for smoking outside the building. All employees should be aware of the hazards of smoking inside the building.
  • Fire Drills – Regular fire drills should be performed at the workplace and there should be an evacuation procedure in place.

Fire Response

  • If a fire breaks out in the building, someone should sound the alarm to alert other employees.
  • 911 must be called immediately.
  • If the fire is small, it could be put out with a fire extinguisher. However, if the fire cannot be controlled using a fire extinguisher, it should be left to the first responders.
  • Employees must follow the escape routes and go to the muster point outside the building.
  • Workers should close the doors behind them when exiting the building to help prevent fire and smoke from spreading.
  • Elevator should not be used. Depending on the magnitude of the fire, elevators may shut mid-transit due to electrical damage.
  • Learning basic first aid skills is a plus. After the evacuation, employees should help co-workers who may have been injured either by the flames or smoke inhalation.
  • Reentering a smoke-filed or burning building is extremely dangerous and must be avoided.

Preparedness is key to preventing fires at the workplace. Following these tips can save lives and prevent injuries and property damage. The PuroClean team stands ready to provide professional restoration services to any property affected by fire, water or mould damage.

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